Celebrate Bastille Day with this creme brulee recipe | IrishCentral.com (2024)

July 14th is the French national holiday, la Fête du 14 Juillet.

It commemorates the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789, an open act of rebellion against the monarchy that is considered a turning point of the French Revolution. Two days after the storming of the Bastille, the king officially recognized the tricolor flag—the blue, white and red said to symbolize liberty, equality and brotherhood.

It also my son Jack’s 2nd birthday. (Note the spelling Jack as opposed to Jaques!)

So here’s the deal: during the reign of Louis XVI, France faced a major financial crisis, triggered by the cost of intervening in the American War of Independence, and exacerbated by an unequal system of taxation.
On May 5, 1789 the Estates-General of 1789 convened to deal with this issue, but was held back by archaic protocols and the conservatism of the Second Estate, consisting of the nobility and comprising 2% of France's population at the time.

On June 17, 1789, the Third Estate, with its representatives drawn from the middle class, or bourgeoisie, reconstituted themselves as the National Assembly, a body whose purpose was the creation of a French constitution. The king initially opposed this development, but was forced to acknowledge the authority of the assembly, which subsequently renamed itself the National Constituent Assembly on July 9.

The storming of the Bastille and the subsequent Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen was the third event of this opening stage of the revolution. The first had been the revolt of the nobility, refusing to aid King Louis XVI through the payment of taxes. The second had been the formation of the National Assembly and the Tennis Court Oath.

The middle class had formed the National Guard, sporting tricolor rosettes of blue, white and red, soon to become the symbol of the revolution.

The beginnings of French cuisine

The long history and sheer finesse of French cuisine has always given it the edge. Consider some of the country's delights – pungent cheeses, sublime wines, sweet buttery pastries, well-loved classic regional dishes.

In its early days royal influence was important. The French kings of the 17th century promoted their nation's cooking by insisting on weighty tables of soups, pheasant, partridge, game, vegetables, hams, pastries, fruits and preserves, all prepared by the finest chefs. One of the first French cookbooks, "Le Cuisinier Royal et Bourgeois," consisted of recipes from Louis XIV's kitchens and marked the beginning of haute cuisine.

The appeal of France's cuisine grew with the prestige of its culture and much of the Western world embraced it, although it took the USA longer than most to come round.

French food relied on the brilliance of its chefs and the quality of the ingredients that the land provided. The pioneers, still revered today, include Antonin Carême, who designed spectacular Roman-style architectural creations, and Brillat-Savarin, who wrote "La Physiologie du Gout" in 1825 and raised French cooking to an art and science.

Auguste Escoffier created dishes for the celebrities of his day and became known as "the chef of emperors and emperor of chefs". His showy, creamy dishes relied on the creation of a master sauce and dominated French plates until the 1970s when a lighter style, known as nouvelle cuisine, became the fashion.

Today, there is much debate over whether classic French haute cuisine is on its way out, as some of the best-known chefs in France have opened brasseries or bistros alongside their celebrated restaurants. The French are serving more down-to-earth, country-style cooking or "cuisine du terroir," drawing on regional dishes and ingredients. Whether this trend continues or not, there is no denying that the way we eat in America has been greatly influenced by our “friends” across the Atlantic.

So, Vive la France! Allez les bleus, but instead of storming a Parisian prison, storm into that kitchen and get cooking.

And what can be more French than a beautiful…


6 egg yolks
6 tablespoons white sugar, divided
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 ½ cups heavy cream
2 tablespoons brown sugar

Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.

Beat egg yolks, 4 tablespoons sugar and vanilla in a mixing bowl until thick and creamy.

Pour cream into a saucepan and stir over low heat until it almost comes to boil. Remove the cream from heat immediately. Stir cream into the egg yolk mixture; beat until combined.

Pour cream mixture into the top of a double boiler. Stir over simmering water until mixture lightly coats the back of a spoon; approximately 3 minutes. Remove mixture from heat immediately and pour into a shallow heat-proof dish.

Bake in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool to room temperature. Refrigerate for 1 hour, or overnight.

Preheat oven to broil.

In a small bowl combine remaining 2 tablespoons white sugar and brown sugar. Sift this mixture evenly over custard. Place dish under broiler until sugar melts, about 2 minutes. Watch carefully so as not to burn.
Remove from heat and allow to cool. Refrigerate until custard is set again.

AND FINALLY… What is the difference between a slice of toast, and a Frenchmen?

You can make a soldier out of a piece of toast.

Celebrate Bastille Day with this creme brulee recipe | IrishCentral.com (2024)


What is the secret of crème brûlée? ›

Baking crème brûlée in a water bath, also known as a “bain-marie” in French cuisine, is a gentle and precise cooking method that helps ensure the custard cooks evenly resulting in a creamy, and velvety custard with a perfect texture. The water bath helps prevent overcooking and promotes even heating.

What does the French dessert crème brûlée translate to in English? ›

In French, crème brûlée means "burnt cream." Some 300 years after Chef Massialot, the dessert is definitely an important part of the country's cuisine having a National Crème Brûlée Day celebrated every July 27th.

Is July 27th National Creme Brulee Day? ›


National Crème Brûlée Day on July 27th presents an opportunity to enjoy a mouth-watering custard for dessert. Since there are several flavors, don't miss out!

What is the best sugar to use for crème brûlée topping? ›

"You really need to use white granulated sugar," says senior food editor Chris Morocco. The small granules caramelize quickly, meaning the sugar won't get overly burnt and the pudding won't melt. Also, he points out: The white crystals provide a visual cue as you're torching it.

Why is my crème brûlée not crispy? ›

It could be your sugar. I find sugar in the raw to be the easiest and most even burning sugar for creme brûlée. You could also combine equal parts brown sugar and white sugar. When burning the sugar make sure to keep moving the torch evenly across the sugar.

How to keep crème brûlée crispy? ›

Don't chill too long after adding topping: Once you caramelize the topping, don't refrigerate the crème brûlée longer than 30 minutes because the gorgeous hardened top will deteriorate and become soft.

What does crème brûlée literally mean? ›

French, literally, scorched cream.

What is crème brûlée called in france? ›

Crème brûlée or crème brulée (/ˌkrɛm bruːˈleɪ/; French pronunciation: [kʁɛm bʁy. le]), also known as burnt cream or Trinity cream, and virtually identical to crema catalana, is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a layer of hardened caramelized sugar.

What does brûlée mean French? ›

burned , burnt. emmener un brûlé à l'hôpital.

When should I eat creme brulee? ›

Serve crème brûlée immediately for best results, or store in the refrigerator for up to 30 minutes before serving.

Is creme brulee an appetizer? ›

Creme brûlée is a favourite sweet dessert, but this is a savoury version to serve as an appetizer.

What national dessert day is it? ›

People around the country indulge every October 14th on National Dessert Day! Celebrated by way of the local bakery, grandma's house or chocolate shop, desserts include candies, pies, ice cream, fruits, cookies, pastries, cobblers, and donuts, too.

Can I caramelized the sugar on crème brûlée ahead of time? ›

After you've melted and caramelized the crème brûlée top, let it rest and harden for up to half an hour. You can do this before dinner, put them in the fridge, and then eat after you're done with your meal.

Do you put crème brûlée straight in the fridge? ›

It is traditional for crème brûlées to be served cold. If you like it cold, place the ramekins back in the refrigerator. They can be refrigerated for about 30 to 45 minutes before serving (no longer, otherwise the sugar crust may begin to soften).

What not to do when making crème brûlée? ›

Creme brulee baking mistakes

Common mistakes you will read on the internet are often regarding the use of whole eggs rather than just the yolks (via ChowHound). According to Bon Appetit, it is the yolk that gives the custard its rich, creamy texture, whereas using egg whites would make it firm.

What creates the hard top on a crème brûlée? ›

To do this, sugar is sprinkled onto the custard, then caramelized under a red-hot salamander (a cast-iron disk with a long wooden handle) or with a butane torch.

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